project of mind-uprising!!!

raise ur hand...................
sebuah pemikiran, sebuah harapan, pemaparan tentang apa yang telah usai, semua yang sedang terjadi atau semua yang akan terjadi, sebuah cerita... kebenaran, kebohongan, kepahitan, kebahagian, realita semu atau sekedar pelarian akan berputarnya roda waktu yang tergulir dalam sebuah lembaran - lembaran halaman yang tergores guratan hitam pena sang aryoz, sebuah torehan cerita yang mungkin belum cukup pantas untuk disisipkan dalam lembaran sejarah..... sekedar petualangan pemikiran saja....... welcome to mind exploration!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

facebook killed friendster . . .

wow.... as the cyber activity increase lately and internet connection existence among society have become un - separated part of our daily life, friendships as a need. Networking mean the number of friend that we have, at least, this show at our profile. Everyone offer the most representative media that worth to sign.

yup... kaboom... our friendships connection not only determined who we are in order to achieve a certain status in certain society so called up to date or go online every time. an e-mail address are no longer perfect stranger to mention now days, its a primal statement not only among the number of friends that we know, furthermore... its the tools to the world.

Friendster progress in Indonesia are quite remarkable and fantastic. an FS account have become specific parameter in all segment of age to gain personal existence in cyber activity. in the level of teenager to middle age are curious and feel passionate to make an FS account. at least this is the easiest way to get connected and well known media to keep in touch with the internet.

what about now, started 3 - 4 month ago when facebook finally know and positioned as time bomb that ready to blow at any time. the euforia it self show that there were too many number of our friends who left FS and make a new account at facebook... its amazing how the features and the site lay out attract all the guilty party of Indonesia cyber subject amuse by happening site right now so called facebook..

hehehehehe.... pity you FS.... a slight laugh on express the moment regard facebook existence around us.... this week only, as the statistic show on FS percentage movement... have decrease for about 70% and they who goes online everyday are prefer to hang out at facebook rather than FS...
"facebook has killed friendster....."

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hi there... just visit, just read or just kiddin! sumonggo, its okay... dont get mad or get wet.. he...