project of mind-uprising!!!

raise ur hand...................
sebuah pemikiran, sebuah harapan, pemaparan tentang apa yang telah usai, semua yang sedang terjadi atau semua yang akan terjadi, sebuah cerita... kebenaran, kebohongan, kepahitan, kebahagian, realita semu atau sekedar pelarian akan berputarnya roda waktu yang tergulir dalam sebuah lembaran - lembaran halaman yang tergores guratan hitam pena sang aryoz, sebuah torehan cerita yang mungkin belum cukup pantas untuk disisipkan dalam lembaran sejarah..... sekedar petualangan pemikiran saja....... welcome to mind exploration!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

be yourself...

we among story.. living in this country will surely emerge hundred of moment that colored our life. well, just wanna try to comment on a note that recently post by a friend of mine. what else, corruption, lack of moral fiber, anger and hunger among people, and all the social disorder that occurred around us all. off course, in this very issue, closely related to you and me, and all of us who bare the title of Mahasiswa... in the past, present and sometimes in the future. these are what i have in mind.....

wanna fix things... fix illness of the mother land... fix the world.. what can we do.. me, you, them and all of us... as mahasiswa that so called the agent of change... 4 me.. just play ur part.. even hard, rough.. and through the endless dessert and steep hill.. just try to be better... make things better... started with everything around us... one step of at a time... let the world turn by... let all the chaotic run through... but never... ever... let ur mind die... ...

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