project of mind-uprising!!!

raise ur hand...................
sebuah pemikiran, sebuah harapan, pemaparan tentang apa yang telah usai, semua yang sedang terjadi atau semua yang akan terjadi, sebuah cerita... kebenaran, kebohongan, kepahitan, kebahagian, realita semu atau sekedar pelarian akan berputarnya roda waktu yang tergulir dalam sebuah lembaran - lembaran halaman yang tergores guratan hitam pena sang aryoz, sebuah torehan cerita yang mungkin belum cukup pantas untuk disisipkan dalam lembaran sejarah..... sekedar petualangan pemikiran saja....... welcome to mind exploration!

Monday, December 15, 2008

pain has good reaction!

for whom the memory bell.....

our memory are the things that made us.... every little piece of our deed and act are the cause of the price that we have to pay at the present. such a remorse that stay quite long in our mind are the impact of uncontrollable desire, stupidity act and even just as simple as result of a vicious thought.

what a regret that things are never gonna be the same again, ever. Its a fact in spite of bad dream in our daily sleep. What a shame, all that left behind stay in the bottom of restless heart to be pessimist and cynical to change and accept what the sun and the moon told.

the memory of happiness in the day that we share dreams and thought on that park are fade. A narrow slide of sadness while we finally realized that out spoken words on that night could bring us in final misery. Still in mind, that sweet gentle kiss are torn a part by selfish and corrupt ambition.

Recognizing step of silk had to be blurred by rude behaviour and total ignorance which could be stopped, rather than fulfill the greed of ego and anger to gain control.

whats left in the end is just never ending story that stay unfinished...

simple mean as the word pain that react by our act are not yet able to translate by conscious mind and wisdom.

Whats left is were really - really try to understand that pain is the main idea of this whole scenario.. the reaction it self....

sad and being lonely... mad and fading ego are written and erased....

the wrath of our animal instinct and irresponsible behaviour is forgive...

slowly shows that gentle touch of broken wings that intentionally regroup and getting stronger each day by new spirit and evalution

that black cloud are disappeared by hope and belief of a better day shall come and covered with smile

look up on our deepest intuition that the sky are converted in to a bright blue sky.. the greatest feeling ever exist and spoken out loud..

the memory goes by and re design by the marksman.....

look every body the door of a new path has wide open

pain are no longer unforgettable.... pain has good reaction for us to change

good luck on your own journey...




Basically we all linked through the wide garden of cyber in this today gorgeous world. Someone out there in the desert could easily touches and smile at beautiful girl in the bench of wicker park. Alone and restless traveler on the street of ST Pettersburg send a comment for idealist guys who stand for justice in Suvarnabhumi.
We are connected.
Freaks and disturbing viewed the pictures of a pagan beauty in brusells and invite to be friends. A total perfect stranger on rumble country request a reason "how" he / she could know each other with beautiful doctor who works at a hospital somewhere in new castle.
Yes we are globally connected and bond through dial up, ADSL or wifi straight from the sofa of a well branded cafe or lounge.
The fact that the continent and seas are gathered by the click sound of our mouse in a device that we drive from imagination and ideas.
Everybody is invited and tonight are available for everyone, no limitation such members only and freaks keep away.
No rules and terms that set the world of cyber to allowed peoples get in touches, shared dreams and tell a story.
Yes we are free man / women in a specific role that "Status quo" is unknown and captured communist is freely to yell and mock the fat man at the great buildings.
The world are cyberly connected by bandwitch and check point that no longer being organize by embassy but a big and black server. We who hold the right IP address have the majority to speaks and breath.
If i may say... peoples are connected through desire of communication grand design that spilled by information technology. In my word i declare that what or how we know each other and the answer ya'll is CYBERNECTION....


life story.....

Our life story determine the way we see things differently. pain and sadness may affect on decision to be made, joy and victory let us forget for a while but memory brought it back. There so many story that made us strong and some made us weak, even trapped us to life in the memory of the past and reduce our greatness energy in life, our thought.
What ever our mind goes is as far as our heart and deed react. Just remember that things will always be difficult and tough no matter what.
I say "keep walked" and be positive regard the hurricane ahead approach.
Please forgive your past and use our energy wisely by let the past goes by. Step the path of a new journey with controllable past for the future.
Don't be sad and save your tears only for happiness in spite being lonely and cast away in negativism.
Allowed the beauty of mind stay sparkling, even shadow of the past stalked us.Embrace reality by awake the days of openness and change. Belief that the day will come in great desire but prepared our acceptance in the end, the moment of truth may not adjust like the way we wanted. Regain control the tyranny of mind who set our expectations rather to let our dream soar.
Isn't the sky is yours and doesn't belong to the past.Isn't the blue sky are belong for them who open the window of opportunity and change.Reject doubtful, cynical to powered and dominate our days, put aside and walk through because the present await you at your door step to get inside the door of the future.

for (she) someone out there who feel lonely and still living in the past!
for (she) far across the continent!

warmest regards