project of mind-uprising!!!

raise ur hand...................
sebuah pemikiran, sebuah harapan, pemaparan tentang apa yang telah usai, semua yang sedang terjadi atau semua yang akan terjadi, sebuah cerita... kebenaran, kebohongan, kepahitan, kebahagian, realita semu atau sekedar pelarian akan berputarnya roda waktu yang tergulir dalam sebuah lembaran - lembaran halaman yang tergores guratan hitam pena sang aryoz, sebuah torehan cerita yang mungkin belum cukup pantas untuk disisipkan dalam lembaran sejarah..... sekedar petualangan pemikiran saja....... welcome to mind exploration!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

a lesson..........

A new thing that I learned today may be worth as much as life it self. Making mistakes is everybody problems in life, but learn how to listen and earn forgiveness from other who may have been a victim of our attitude would be a better thing than goes around and find what was the real cause of our wrong decision in the past.
Feel regret and blame someone else for a fact that subjectively made under our ego is not a wise thing to do. Spread our rage to other people and confront a problem which actually the main deal was originally came out from our ambition to be right in every way surely a big decrease of human quality.
one thing that really impact my personal mind is learn how to "let go" all the idealistic thought, and step forward to conclusion which stand in front of our eyes would be greater thing beside grumbling, whining and mainly blaming others.
Be more wisely is easier said than done....... just accept the fact as a human beeing that full of mistakes by evaluate all the thing in the past and realize that all of us just a humble servant in front of this great live.

just learn how to listen, fix all of your mistakes, earn forgiveness from other and step forward to reality although not accepted by our idealism and complexity of our mind..........

just a simple idea....



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